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Dental Radiology


Dental Radiology

Dental X-rays are a type of study that uses X-rays, a type of electromagnetic radiation that forms an image on film or digitally of some part of the patient's mouth, which will allow identifying the characteristics and aspects necessary for their treatment.


X-ray captures the jaws and entire teeth in one shot. It is used to plan dental implant treatment, check for impacted wisdom teeth, and detect jaw problems.


It shows a lateral view of the face that represents the relationship of the mandible for each side as well as for the rest of the structures. They can be lateral or posterior- anterior.

Periapical Series

It shows a lateral view of the face that represents the relationship of the mandible for each side as well as for the rest of the structures. They can be lateral or posterior- anterior.

ATM studies

Imaging study that allows identifying the mandibular condyle in its closed and open position, in this way both joints are evaluated at the same time, as well as mandibular symmetry.


It is especially useful to know the angulation of the long axis of the head of the condyle that will allow correcting the angle in the oblique lateral transcranial projection and sagittal tomography.


It is an X-ray in which the plate is biting perpendicularly between the upper arch and the lower arch, which allows to assess the included teeth and their position.


It is the right radiography for the study of the paranasal sinuses. In trauma to the upper jaw and malar region, it allows the study of fracture lines at the frontomalar, maxillomalar and zygomaticomalar sutures.


It is a specific radiological projection for the visualization of the frontal and ethmoid sinuses, recommended in patients with suspected frontal sinusitis.